Two Types of coding. Thumbs up and thumbs down.

What is: Open Source

Some computer programs do everything they can to hide their source code that runs their computer programs. Open Source programs on the other hand freely publish their computer code on the internet. Let’s go over the positive and negative sides of both options so you can make an informed decision.

– Positive

Everyday people can see exactly how the program works. Many eyes proof reading the code can quickly find errors and make needed changes to the source code. So at the end of the day you have the best quality product possible. Everyone with an internet connection can report any bugs in the system or security loop holes. Open Source Software usually has allot more customizability since there is more people putting their flavor on it.

– Negative

Some people argue that because more people can study and hack the source code they are more likely find security issues with the source code quicker. But if they found an issue that no one else found and they didn’t report the problem they might be able to take advantage of other users and steal from them. Also because open source software is developed by a large group of people there usually isn’t a warranty so if you have issues there isn’t anyone to hold financially responsible.